Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What To Do About A Text Message Breakup

Well, today it finally happened…the one thing you really didn’t want. You received a text message breakup from your boyfriend or girlfriend. Now your life really sucks big time and you don’t know what to do! The first thing is, don’t panic. Desperately texting them back will only drive them further away.

I may be a little (or a lot!) old fashioned, but in my book a text message breakup is pretty impersonal and cowardly. Sending a text message to break up a relationship seems to have replaced the ‘dear john’ letter, the breakup note, and even the dreaded ‘we have to talk’ scenario.

So what can you do to try to save the relationship and get it back on track? As I mentioned above, do everything in your power not to appear desperate and clingy. Instead, agree with them that maybe a break is a good idea. That’s really going to make them wonder what’s going on in your head! After all, they just sent you this text message breakup and you’re ok with it?

Now that you have kept your dignity intact, the real work begins. What you need is a strategic plan to get your ex to want you back. To get started on developing your plan you should watch these two videos a friend of mine made. (you’ll need to scroll down the page a little) The methods he uses to save a relationship may be a little unusual, but they work! Don’t let yourself be a helpless victim of text message breakup.

My Favorite Book On Ways To Save A Relationship

Ready to learn the things you must do to save a relationship?
Do you know the key steps to avoid completely destroying the
relationship you're in? The methods outlined here may seem a little
a bit unorthodox to you, but hey, the actually work! Click on the book to learn more!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

How To Get Your Ex Back - Start Getting Your Ex Back Today!

So your boyfriend or girlfriend has broken it off with you and now your life sucks! Well, we’ve all been there, so don’t lose hope quite yet. The truth of the matter is that most any relationship can be fixed if you know how to get your ex back.

Are you willing to put in some effort and a little work to fix what’s wrong with the relationship? It is going to take a little time to get things right, but hang in there and soon you’ll know exactly how to get your ex back. Here’s a little good news, you aren’t going to have to look like an idiot or act like a fool to win back an ex!

Here are a few things you definitely don’t want to do if you are trying to figure out how to get your ex back:

Don’t beg and act all pitiful – Your ex is not going to come back just because you are a needy person. It wouldn’t last if it were based on that anyway. You will need to be able to present some good clear reasoning as to why the two of you should be together and you can’t do that if you are busy whining and begging them to come back.

Don’t be a bully – Making demands is not going to help the situation. It is a great way to be sure your ex avoids you like the plague, though. You want to know how to get your ex back home, not how to drive them further away, right?

Tell them thanks – If you are still in love with your ex and want them back, be sure you let him or her know what a positive difference they have made in your life. Tell them how much you have appreciated them in the past. Compliment them without pushing for reconciliation. This may arouse their curiosity and leave the door open for further communication.

Reconciliation is a gift – Remember that your ex doesn’t have to get back together with you. If you work things out it should be a gift to both of you. Blowing up at them is not going to help anything, so be gracious.

You might have heard from others that a cool down period is important right after a break up. Emotions and hurt will be running high and you need to take a break while you figure out how to get your ex back anyway. So don’t turn into a weirdo stalker during the cooling off period, keep things light and friendly.

There is a great resource available for anyone who wants to know how to get your ex back. It is full of great ideas to help you get your relationship back where you want it to be. There are a couple of excellent videos on the page that will help you learn more about how to get your ex back. You should check it out: Get Your Ex Back

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Relationship Advice - Don't Compromise Your Values

Relationships are an important part of our lives. Having good relationships with our friends and family and the interaction with other people is one of the things that make life interesting and fun. When issues or problems come up in a relationship, many of us will look for some good relationship advice.

There is no shortage of relationship advice out there today. There are tv and radio shows, websites, online forums, books, and magazines which all claim to have the answers to your relationship problems. Some of them do give out solid and useful advice, while some are merely in it for the money. Be very careful who you listen to.

Let me give you one piece of relationship advice here. I hope you take it to heart and use it:

Don’t compromise your deeply felt beliefs for another person. It will completely ruin your relationship.

You may be wondering what I mean by that, so let me explain. Relationships will have a certain amount of give and take involved. There are going to be times when a sacrifice or compromise is necessary to help resolve a situation. So there will be times when we accept what the other person wants, even though we don’t feel it’s the best solution.

We all have a certain set of deeply held core values. They are there, even if you are not completely aware of them. These are the things you believe are just wrong and that you would ‘never’ do. For example, vegetarians have certain things they just don’t eat. For them, this is a non-negotiable adjustment. Other people might feel that having sexual activities with people outside of their primary relationship is wrong. This is one of their non-negotiable items.

What happens to the relationship when the limits of what’s acceptable get blurred or broken? Perhaps someone asks you to cross the line and they are very persistent about it. You have two choices here, compromise your values or end the relationship. If you decide to cross the line and compromise, you are actually choosing to end the relationship anyway.

Compromising a core value is going to make you very angry with the person who insisted on the compromise. You will also be angry with yourself. You are going to feel as if your values and opinions don’t matter at all to them. The hurt and anger you will feel is going to destroy the relationship. So both of you lose.

Let me leave you with one last bit of relationship advice. Stick to your guns when it comes to your core values. Anyone who tries to badger you or talk you into doing things you know are wrong for you doesn’t have your best interests at heart anyway. They are being selfish. Someone who truly cares for you will be able to accept a ‘no’ answer if means that much to you.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Got Relationship Problems? - How To Solve Relationship Problems

Once in a while, I hear someone say they never have fights or problems in their relationship. My thoughts are that they must be in a relationship with a floor lamp or something! Any time you have two people with different needs and desires, there is gonna be relationship problems! Relationship problems come in two main categories, those that can be solved, and those that can’t be solved.

The type of relationship problems that are solvable usually center around the needs that each of you has in a relationship. A need that is left unmet will cause relationship problems.

Emotional needs are based on what you need from the relationship in order to feel loved. Functional needs are the things you need to have so that your life ‘works’ while you are in this relationship.

Meeting each other’s needs is an important part of a relationship. The good news is that needs can be somewhat negotiable and there are many ways to meet a need. A little honest communication between partners can go a long way towards getting you and your partner on the path to happiness and steer you away from relationship problems.

Whether you know it or not all of us have certain ‘requirements’ in a relationship.
These requirements are not negotiable in the least and if these required aspects are not present in the relationship, it is not going to work over the long haul. You may not even be aware of what your particular non-negotiable items are, but they are there.

An easy example of a ‘requirement’ would be children. If one of you wants children and the other one doesn’t, the relationship is going to have issues! You would be foolish to try to be anything more than friends.

The relationship problems come in when we try to tell ourselves that the ‘requirements’ are not that important after all. We tell ourselves all kinds of rational lies and hope that things will change down the road. Guess what? It won’t. Don’t put yourself in a position where you know the relationship isn’t going to work. It won’t do either of you any favors.