Sunday, June 17, 2012

How To Get Her Back – A Few Simple Tips

Since you’re reading this, it’s pretty safe to assume you were in a relationship that has recently ended in a break up. I bet you feel just awful right about now. The feelings of loss, confusion, anger, and guilt have all come around to make life pretty miserable. And yet, deep in your heart, you are wondering how to get her back.

No relationship is ever perfect. Mainly because people are involved! When you have two people each with their own idea of how things should be…well, you are gonna have conflict. It’s a given.  Now that you realize how much you want to get her back, you need a game plan to make it happen.

First of all, you need to realize that at least 90% of relationships could be fixed if people were willing to put forth some effort. I think we give up too easily at times. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to get your girl back? Even though at times it’s going to be hard?  Great!

Tips On How To Get Her Back

It may be tedious and sometimes painful, but you are going to have to take a long hard look back at your relationship and uncover what REALLY went wrong. This is where you need to be careful. The things you easily see on the surface are not always the problem. They are symptoms of the real issue. As an example, you might think that you two broke up because you were fighting all the time. Arguments are rarely the real cause of a break up. Was one of you jealous? or maybe controlling? Then that was the cause of the arguments. Don’t be afraid to dig deep and get at the root of the issues.

Once you understand what the root issues were in the relationship you can start to work on finding answers to the problems. Do you see places where you could have been a better boyfriend? Be brutally honest here! All of us have things we could improve about ourselves. This is a win/win for you anyway you look at it. Why? Even if you don’t get back with your ex girlfriend you are a better person.

Realize that you don’t have any control over whatever shortcomings your ex may have. You can’t change her, she will have to make those adjustments herself. Also realize that she may not see a need to change. If this is the case, you will have to be prepared to either overlook her shortcomings, or decide to walk away if she isn’t willing to try.

Now that you have things straight in your head and you have made any adjustments to your attitude or behaviors it’s time to talk with your ex. The first goal should be to set up a time to meet face to face. This is NOT a date, so be sure you don’t treat it like one. Be polite when you call, and don’t force the issue. If you want to get your ex girl back it is very important to be respectful while you talk. The conversation is not about proving who was right and who was wrong. It is about fixing things so that you can have a happy future together. If you can stick to that, you will be well on your way to get her back in your life.