Thursday, June 26, 2008

Relationship Breakdown - Stop It Cold!

Wondering if you can save a relationship? There are many reasons for the breakdown of a relationship, but there are a few that seem to rear their ugly heads more than others. Being aware that these things can be a problem, can help us stop them cold before they damage our relationship.

*Becoming complacent: If we get too ‘settled’ in our relationship, it leads to getting into a rut. Living in the rut too long can bring on stagnation and discontent with each other. Get out of the rut and try something new and different once in a while! It doesn’t have to be expensive or spectacular to be special. If you need ideas for activities, try asking your friends what they do to add a little zest now and then.

*Lack of communication: Keeping communication open and flowing is a 'must have' to any relationship. How long would you stay friends with someone who ignored you? I’m guessing not very darn long! Both of you must communicate regularly and effectively or there’s not going to be much of a relationship to worry about. Talking out issues instead of arguing about them is much more productive. Many times a little open and honest conversation will help us save a relationship.

*No time together: We all seem to be working more just to keep our lives going. Be careful that you don’t let work and budget stress kill your relationship. Set aside some time each week just to ‘be' together. Use the time to relax and just enjoy each other.

Way too often people simply give up on what could be a great relationship because they feel so helpless to change things. Don’t let this happen to you! Even if your life isn’t going the way you want it to right now, the bad times don’t have to last forever. You can save a relationship, no matter how difficult it may be.

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