Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Why Marriages Fail - 5 Reasons Why Marriages Fail

A strong and healthy marriage is a wonderful thing. With at least 50% of all marriages ending in divorce these days, it can also be kind of scary. How can we protect our marriage? Why do marriages fail?

Why Marriages Fail:

Not Trusting Your Partner – If you don’t trust your partner enough to share your thoughts, feelings, and desires, you will see yourselves growing apart. People who don’t trust each other can’t make it because trust is the foundation of a good relationship.

Too Hectic A Lifestyle -We are all too busy nowadays. The demands of our crazy schedules leaves a huge hole in the time we should be with our spouse. If this continues it will take a large toll on the relationship. Over time, one or both spouses may start to feel neglected or unwanted.

Bad Attitude Problems - Does someone have an attitude problem that needs to be adjusted? Do you always have to be right, or always have to have the final word? Are you one of those people who just nitpick every little thing? Are you selfish, greedy, whiny, or are you annoying? Do you tease in a hurtful way? Can you never admit when you’re wrong? If so, you have some work to do. A lot of relationships break up because of attitude problems like these. Work on correcting them before you lose your spouse.

Little/No Physical Intimacy – Being physically intimate isn’t just about sex. Problems or issues can be worked around so that both partners will still be able to feel physically intimate with each other. Lack of intimacy is an enormous relationship killer. Everyone needs a little romance now and again.

Arguing About Money – Money issues come up in every marriage. When there is a lack of money, you feel the financial pressure of trying to pay bills with not enough income. If there is abundance of money, the focus may center on how the money is saved or spent.
Any way you slice it, there is bound to be conflict at one time or another. The key is to communicate and develop a plan before the issues develop.

These are just a few of the reasons why marriages fail. Being aware that these are potential problems can help you lessen the effect they have on your marriage.

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