Sunday, July 20, 2008

Does Your Unhappy Marriage Suck?

If you are in an unhappy marriage it might lead you to believe that marriage sucks! You might even think you want to get out of this whole marriage thing. Marriage is supposed to be forever, not just be tossed away. Don’t give up too easily. There was a reason you got married and it’s still there, somewhere.

Listening and communication skills are critical to a relationship. Maybe you are in an unhappy marriage because the two of you have simply quit communicating with one another. I mean real conversation, here, not fighting! You have to set aside time to reconnect on a regular basis.

People might think that they have should just give up on an unhappy marriage. What they ought to do is make a commitment to themselves and their partner to make the marriage better. Get advice or help dealing with the issues facing your marriage if it’s something you need to do. Don’t be embarrassed because you need help.

A spirit of compromise can help resolve conflicts in an unhappy marriage. You have to be willing to give a bit. It can’t always be your way. If you are selfish and always want things your own way, its no wonder your spouse is unhappy with you! Don’t alienate your partner with a selfish attitude.

Have a good long look in the mirror right now. Are you really happy with the person you see there? If you aren’t, how do you think you can be a great marriage partner? The unfortunate truth is, you can’t. If you need to deal with personal issues, do it! It can be painful to work through these things, but once you do, you will feel more free. Dumping the old baggage will help you become a better partner for your spouse and a happier person all around.

It is going to take some time to fix your unhappy marriage, so be patient. Begin by renewing your commitment to your partner. Don’t let your marriage become another statistic.

1 comment:

MTV True Life said...

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