Sunday, August 3, 2008

Relationship Advice - Don't Compromise Your Values

Relationships are an important part of our lives. Having good relationships with our friends and family and the interaction with other people is one of the things that make life interesting and fun. When issues or problems come up in a relationship, many of us will look for some good relationship advice.

There is no shortage of relationship advice out there today. There are tv and radio shows, websites, online forums, books, and magazines which all claim to have the answers to your relationship problems. Some of them do give out solid and useful advice, while some are merely in it for the money. Be very careful who you listen to.

Let me give you one piece of relationship advice here. I hope you take it to heart and use it:

Don’t compromise your deeply felt beliefs for another person. It will completely ruin your relationship.

You may be wondering what I mean by that, so let me explain. Relationships will have a certain amount of give and take involved. There are going to be times when a sacrifice or compromise is necessary to help resolve a situation. So there will be times when we accept what the other person wants, even though we don’t feel it’s the best solution.

We all have a certain set of deeply held core values. They are there, even if you are not completely aware of them. These are the things you believe are just wrong and that you would ‘never’ do. For example, vegetarians have certain things they just don’t eat. For them, this is a non-negotiable adjustment. Other people might feel that having sexual activities with people outside of their primary relationship is wrong. This is one of their non-negotiable items.

What happens to the relationship when the limits of what’s acceptable get blurred or broken? Perhaps someone asks you to cross the line and they are very persistent about it. You have two choices here, compromise your values or end the relationship. If you decide to cross the line and compromise, you are actually choosing to end the relationship anyway.

Compromising a core value is going to make you very angry with the person who insisted on the compromise. You will also be angry with yourself. You are going to feel as if your values and opinions don’t matter at all to them. The hurt and anger you will feel is going to destroy the relationship. So both of you lose.

Let me leave you with one last bit of relationship advice. Stick to your guns when it comes to your core values. Anyone who tries to badger you or talk you into doing things you know are wrong for you doesn’t have your best interests at heart anyway. They are being selfish. Someone who truly cares for you will be able to accept a ‘no’ answer if means that much to you.


pizzatherapy said...

I really agree with you about keeping your core values.
However, relationships can be hard to maintain.
albert grande

Lacey Wills said...

Yes Albert, relationships are hard to maintain...not easy, but usually worth it!

JS (Magic of making up) said...

That's a wonderful relationship advice.A relationship is never something to be careless with.if you do decide to make the changes to yourself and your behaviors that will make your relationship run much smoother, you have to be careful not to let other things limit your chances of getting back together with her permanently.
Magic Of Making Up

darkpoet3000 said...

This is an awesome article, I see some of the mistakes I made, which btw, ended up in the tragedy of my girl having an abortion when she moved on, I grieve still for our baby.
I believe to, anything worthwhile, is worth working out.
Spite, panic, selfishness, etc. Has no place in a relationship, and never ever compromise your core values or beliefs...

JS (Magic of making up) said...

That's good. Men and women both have particular things they need out of a relationship, and if they don't get them the relationship is very unlikely to succeed. Your partner probably broke up with you because one or more of these needs weren't being met, and if you can identify them and how to address them it'll be far easier to get your ex back and what's more...keep the relationship going.
Magic of Making up

Unknown said...

Saving a relationship is hard but not impossible.
You have to consider lots of things like the proper timing, when to start, when to move faster and how to end. Thinking one or two steps further is also a good way to assure your success, especially in relationships.